Tuesday 26 February 2013

Japanese Fashion Video

Konichiwa again! I've been very busy today, and I not only uploaded a playlist of great J-Pop songs for you - created by our member Khalil - but I've also just uploaded a video all about Japanese fashion - created by our member Anna. Japanese Fashion Well, we've definitely given you a lot to entertain yourselves with over the next week, but stay tuned for any more updates. Sayonara!

J-Pop Song Reccomendation

What kind of Japanese-themed culture club would we be if we didn't listen to any J-Pop? Well, we listen to it; and a lot of it - we're bordering obsessed! So, to make sure we're not the only obsessed J-Pop fans out there, we wanted to share some of our favorite songs with you, so here's a nice, little playlist that one of our members Khalil created. J-Pop Song Recommendation If you have a favorite J-Pop song, be sure to comment below. Enjoy, and sayonara!

By Leah

Saturday 2 February 2013

Website Published!

The official J Double C website is finally up on the web! Just type in J Double C into Google and it should (hopefully) come up. If not, then here's a link; J Double C Official Website There may not be a lot of content on it at the moment, but we should update it pretty soon. Enjoy the brand new, shiny website guys.

By Leah